Worship With Us In-Person or Online

Updated June 23, 2024

To our Akron Alliance Fellowship Church Community and to All Visitors—

Thank you for your attendance with us in-person and online!

Please stay tuned to this page and our Akron Alliance Fellowship Facebook Page for regular updates pertaining to our church schedule.

Our church schedule for Sunday, June 30, 2024: We will be live in church and online with Live Stream Sunday School at 9:30 AM ET via Facebook Live on our Akron Alliance Fellowship Church Facebook page. For those of you in the Akron, OH community, we are meeting every Sunday morning at our church for Sunday school at 9:30 AM and our Worship Service at 10:45 AM. We’re located at 688 Diagonal Road, Akron OH.

In-person Church Activities:

Please expect the complete worship service to last approximately 90 minutes. If you are attending Sunday school, it will last approximately 50 minutes for the live portion of the session, and up to an additional 10 minutes will be devoted to questions and comments.

Tithes / offerings are collected from a drop-box in the church entrance area (as we are not passing around a collection plate).

The first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday. It follows the completion of the morning message. We have “bread and juice” kits that are only handled by the end user. Communion is a solemn practice reserved for all believers in Jesus Christ. See 1 Corinthians 11:23-34.

On the second Sunday of the month, we hosting a Q&A session with the church pastors at 5:30 PM. Participants ask our pastors biblical questions and can also submit questions in advance for these meetings. It’s a great opportunity to dig deeper into Scripture. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17 NIV). This is an in-church event only. No Q & A for Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12. The next scheduled Q & A is Sunday, June 9.

On the second and fourth Sunday, our Prayer Ministry will convene immediately after Sunday school and conclude before our morning Worship Service (approximately 10:30 AM to 10:45 AM). Those interested in joining us for prayer will convene in one of the hallway classrooms around the corner from the Sunday school meeting area.

Our Wednesday evening Bible Study in the Red House (behind our church building) will meet every Wednesday afternoon at 6:00 PM.

For all in-person visits, we ask that all of our church members and visitors to continue to follow safe, hygienic practices to prevent spread of any illness and to please stay home if you are ill or experiencing symptoms of illness, including a regular cold or the flu. We are also asking that if you have had recent contact with a person who has the COVID virus to stay home, as well. If you want us to pray for you, your health or for any situation or circumstance, please send us a note at akronalliance@gmail.com or call 330.376.4654. We are always here for you!

Online Church Activities:

Every Sunday morning, for those who are unable to gather with us at church (or those who are outside of the Akron, Ohio area), we will have Live Stream Sunday School on our Akron Alliance Fellowship Facebook Page at 9:30 AM ET / 6:30 AM PT. These lessons will be available for viewing immediately after Sunday school, and are available for viewing or reference 24/7!

New content is available Sundays and Wednesdays with replays of Live Stream Sunday School on our Akron Alliance Fellowship YouTube Channel every Sunday afternoon, as well as on our Akron Alliance Fellowship Facebook Page

We are also providing Bible study lessons online. Look for these during the second Wednesday of every month (pre-recorded) and for our live ZOOM Bible Study on the fourth Sunday (afternoon) of each month. Follow our Akron Alliance Fellowship Facebook Page for details and updates. The next ZOOM Bible Study will be June 23, 2024 at 5:00 PM EDT / 2:00 PM EDT.

All video messages and live stream content can be reviewed on our Akron Alliance Fellowship Facebook Page and through links here at akronalliance.org. Our previous sermon messages and Sunday school classes are also available here at akronalliance.org. Select the Sermons/Audio tab under Links from our menu. You can also subscribe to our Akron Alliance Fellowship podcast for free on Apple Podcasts.

Church Members: If you are homebound or need assistance, please call and we can help you or bring whatever you are in need of to your doorstep. If you still want to contribute your weekly offering to please mail it to the church. The mailing address is Akron Alliance Fellowship, 688 Diagonal Road, Akron OH 44320.

God has continued to bless our church! We ask that all of you remain prayerful and mindful of your neighbors and your community.  When we get together, whether online or in person, you are always welcome here at Akron Alliance Fellowship Church.

May the Lord continue to richly bless you!

                                                                        —Melvin Gaines, Assistant Pastor

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